Showing 177–184 of 184 results
![Groomo Grooming Brush with fur-catching adhesive tape roller [2 colours] Groomo Grooming Brush with fur-catching adhesive tape roller [2 colours]]()
$36.00This grooming brush doubles as a lint/fur roller, and is great for giving your pets a massage while brushing them.
It’s a grooming brush you’ll be proud to display, with its minimalist Japanese design and colour. Use it to clean fur off your clothing, sofas etc. as well.
This item comes with 1 roll of adhesive paper tape (Urban pattern) that’s gentle on pets yet picks up loose fur.

$49.00Hand-made in Japan with love, this vest-style harness was specially designed by a fellow dog parent to eliminate unnecessary stress around her pup’s throat area when walking with commercial collars.
The cushioned breathable polyester mesh interior ensures your dog’s ultimate comfort, while the outer patchwork of 3 different colourful 100% cotton prints allows you and doggie to walk in style.
Machine-washable for easy maintenance.

$40.00An adorable bowtie which cleverly marries Italian leather with polka dotted dark blue cotton.
Perfect for any special occasion which calls for you to be in your best, and for your best furfriend to be all dressed up!

$37.00Imagine a relaxing day out enjoying the sun, sand, and sea with your furkid accessorised in yellow polka dots. You get the picture.
Matching leash available.

$37.00Pink is cute. Black is stylish. Put both together, you get a collar which brings out the sassy stylishness in your furpal!
Matching leash available.

$39.00Imagine a relaxing day out enjoying the sun, sand, and sea with your furkid accessorised in yellow polka dots. You get the picture.
Matching collar available.

$39.00Pink is cute. Black is stylish. Put both together and you get a leash which brings out the sassy stylishness in you and your furpal!
Matching collar available.

$26.00A modern take on a traditional Japanese fabric pattern for the fashion-forward kitty.